SCHOOL YEARS 1929 - 1959
Faculty and staff information comes from yearbooks and school records.
Welcome to the Faculty Information Page for Mar-Ken School! If you have any inquiries or need assistance, please don’t hesitate to contact us at [email protected]. We are excited to be a part of your search!
A – E
Helen Adams
Listed as faculty in the 1946 Mar-Ken Yearbook
William Alcarez
Listed as faculty in the 1947 Mar-Ken Yearbook
Esther Appleton
Listed as faculty in the 1940 Mar-Ken graduation booklet
Mary Lee Wooters
Teacher at Lawlor & later Principal of School in 1940
Mildred Barish
Listed as teacher in the 1941 Mar-Ken Yearbook
Grace Barnett
Listed as faculty in the 1947 and 1948 Mar-Ken Yearbooks
Mary Ellen Barry
Listed as faculty in the 1940 Mar-Ken graduation booklet
Minnie Ethel Bessire
Founder, President and Director of Mar-Ken School
Paul B. Bessire
Husband of Minnie Ethel, Father of William Kent – worked at Mar-Ken School
William Kent Bessire
Director of Mar-Ken School
W.P. Black
Listed as faculty in the 1942 Mar-Ken Yearbook
Hondriek W. Boef
Listed as faculty in the 1948 Yearbook, and autographed a 1949 Yearbook.
Edouard Boesch
Listed as faculty in the 1946 Mar-Ken Yearbook
Emma Brown
Listed as faculty in the 1947 Mar-Ken Yearbook
Phila Burck
Listed as faculty in the 1945 Mar-Ken Yearbook
Ruth Circe
Listed as faculty in 1946 Mar-Ken Yearbook; also a student in 1941-42
Tema Shults Clare
1954 Mexico Summer school
Edna Colwell
Listed in the 1947 Mar-Ken Yearbook
Hazel Cunningham
Listed as faculty in the 1943 Mar-Ken Yearbook
Mrs. Davis
Taught renaissance studies, European Literature, and history
Ruth Dloughy
Listed as faculty in the 1940 Mar-Ken graduation booklet
Mrs. Doud
Teacher of history, music, opera, & composers’ lives at Lawlor Professional School
May Ely
Co-director with Mrs. Lawlor of the Lawlor Professional School in 1930
F – J
Mr. Felder
Teacher in 1955 – 1956
Laurence M. Feldman
Student and teacher at the school
Antoinette Follette
Listed as faculty in the 1946 Mar-Ken Yearbook
Charles Follette
At Mar-Ken School from 1946 to 1950, taught English and English history
Violet Ford
Listed as faculty in the 1944 Mar-Ken Yearbook
James William Foxx
Vice-principal 1940, principal 1941
Mr. Gallardi
Taught Spanish at Lawlor
Mary Hendrickson
Listed as faculty in the 1946 Mar-Ken Yearbook
Doris Gilliland
Listed as faculty in the 1942/3 Mar-Ken Yearbooks
Elizabeth Hamlin
Taught Latin, math and science at Mar-Ken Sherman Oaks campus
Mr. Haver (true name: Haberkorn)
Taught history and German at Mar-Ken Sherman Oaks campus
Theresa Hicks
Listed as faculty in the 1945 Mar-Ken Yearbook; taught French
Florence Himel
Listed as teacher in the 1941 Mar-Ken Yearbook
Philip Hoffman
Listed as faculty in the 1942 Mar-Ken Yearbook
Queenie Hughes
Mar-Ken Secretary, 1940
Mrs. Hummell
Elementary level teacher at Mar-Ken School, Hollywood
Mr. Jack
Taught history at Mar-Ken, 1956-57
Mrs. Jones
Listed as faculty in the 1945 Mar-Ken Yearbook
Ruth Jones
Also known as “Ruthie”. Mar-Ken School cook
K – O
Viola Foss Lawlor
Founder and Director of the Lawlor Professional School
Dorothy Lindquist
Listed as faculty in the 1946 Mar-Ken Yearbook
Frances Lloyd
Listed as faculty in the 1946 Mar-Ken Yearbook
Miss Lurner
Mentioned in the 1943 Mar-Ken Yearbook.
Jane MacArthur
Listed as faculty in the 1940 and 1941 Mar-Ken Yearbook
Margaret Mackert
Listed as teacher in the 1941 Mar-Ken Yearbook
Christiana Marcou
Listed as faculty in the 1940 through 1944 and 1948 Mar-Ken Yearbooks
Natasha Martchenko
Listed as faculty in the 1947 Mar-Ken Yearbook
Peggy McCall
Listed as faculty in the 1942 through 1944 Mar-Ken Yearbooks
Betty June McLain
Listed as faculty in the 1946 Mar-Ken Yearbook
Joyce McMillan
Listed in 1941 Mar-Ken Yearbook
Kathleen Merrett
Listed as faculty in the 1940 Mar-Ken Yearbook and graduation booklet
Stanford Miller
(“Stan”) – taught Latin at Mar-Ken in 1940-41
Beulah Moore
Listed as faculty in the 1942 through 1944 Mar-Ken Yearbooks
Mrs. Noble
English teacher at Mar-Ken School
Ethel Otto
Listed as faculty in the 1940 Mar-Ken Yearbook and graduation booklet
P – T
Marion Palmer
Listed as faculty in the 1940 Mar-Ken Yearbook and graduation booklet
Lydia Peterson
Listed as an administrator in the 1945 and 1947 Mar-Ken Yearbooks
Jewelle Helena Pitts
Listed in 1940 as faculty member, in 1941 as Vice Principal
Edith Porter
Listed as faculty in the 1942 Mar-Ken Yearbook
Lucille Quinn
Listed as auditor in 1940 and 1941 Mar-Ken Yearbooks
Camille Redlich
(“Cam”) (Dreyfuss) Student and teacher; taught junior high in 1957
Sonia Regler
Listed as faculty in the 1946 Mar-Ken Yearbook
Mr. Roberts
English teacher at Mar-Ken School, Sherman Oaks campus
Annie J. Ross
Listed as faculty in the 1940 – 1946 yearbooks; was Principal of Mar-Ken Junior High
Mary Rummel
Listed as faculty in 1943 through 1945 Mar-Ken Yearbooks, taught chemistry
Ruthie – See Ruth Jones Mario Salveneschi
Mario Salveneschi
Taught French, Spanish and Italian, at Mar-Ken School, Sherman Oaks campus
Carmen Scarpitta
Student and teacher
Mr. Shina
Science teacher at Mar-Ken School, Sherman Oaks campus
Bernice Shumar
Listed as faculty in the 1942 Mar-Ken Yearbook
Ms. Sidas
(Sides?) Teacher at Mar-Ken School, Sherman Oaks campus
Vernon E. Simpson
Teacher at Mar-Ken School, Sherman Oaks campus
Patricia Sullivan
Listed as faculty in the 1947 Mar-Ken Yearbook
Mrs. Thias
Taught at Mar-Ken School, Hollywood campus
Teacher at Mar-Ken School, Sherman Oaks campus
Janet Tischler
(“Jan”) Secretary, left Mar-Ken School in 1952
Edmunda Traczike
Listed as faculty in the 1947 Mar-Ken Yearbook
Edna Trumbo
Listed as faculty in the 1940 Mar-Ken graduation booklet
Lucille Turner